Loot Crate Overview January: Origins

By Jamie Scholfield

Hello again, faithful readers! Today, you're in for a treat, because in this installment of the Loot Crate Overview, we will learn the origins of some of the great heroes ever known: Superman, Captain America, Mario and the Ninja Turtles!

Name: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tiki Muglets

I got Shredder, the true hero of the TMNT universe!
I could have also got any of the Turtles, but seriously, Shredder is the best!

Name: Action Comics #1 Reprint

Before he was in DC’s Superman, the Man of Steel first made his appearance in Action Comics #1, which not every Loot Crate subscriber can afford their own REAL copy of.

Name: Captain America Golden Age Shield

Before it was round and vibration proof, this more classic looking shield
was the original weapon for a WW2 era Captain America.

Name: Original “Jumpman” T-Shirt

Before he was everyone's favorite mushroom eating hero, the friendly plumber known as Mario originally went by Jumpman! His goal? To save Pauline from the clutches of Donkey Kong!
oh how the times have changed. 

I originally had zero idea what the theme of this month's Loot Crate was, so I was originally very excited upon opening it up! 
what a great start to 2017, and another great year of Loot! 

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