The Pull List #94 - February 15, 2017

A weekly column in which Jake gives short blurbs about the comics he’s picked up that week. Reviewed in the order read, which varies but generally by increasing anticipation.   Disclaimer: he knows very little about art, at least not enough to considerably honor such tremendous undertakings, so…yeh, there’s that.

Preamble: Silk is out.  Tie-ins and less than
satisfying storytelling killed interest. Also, due to time constraints, the Animosity #5 review will be in next week's PL.

WWE #2

Writer: Dennis Hopeless (Aubrey Sitterson)
Illustrator: Serg Acuña (Ed McGuinness)
Colorist: Doug Garbark (Marcio Menyz)
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Boom! Studios

In the heist of the century, Seth Rollins has become WWE World Heavyweight Champion.  But the only thing tougher than winning the belt is keeping it.  Hopeless moves us through the months spanning Rollins’s first title reign, focusing more on the moments rather than the matches.  It’s a smart play, as there’s enough action to satisfy that category, but it’s Seth’s journey that’s most important, particularly concerning it’s ignominious end.  Acuña is given something of a raw deal this time around, as the script calls mostly for stony-faced glares, but ,when the emotion does boil over, Acuña revels in it.  The back-up story is just the right combination of over-the-top insanity and verbosity, given it’s subject, and veteran McGuinness is the perfect choice for it.  Even though it’s a rehash of reality, there’s enough additives and interesting story choices to make WWE’s comic an entertaining read.  

Batwoman: Rebirth #1

Writers: Marguerite Bennett & James Tynion IV
Artist: Steve Epting
Colors: Jeremy Cox
Letters: Deron Bennett
DC Comics

Ah Rebirth one-shots, you are such a mixed bag.  This one at least has a cohesive goal that makes it more of a true one-shot and less of an Issue #0 like some of the others have been.  Bennett and Tynion give us a rapid fire version of Batwoman’s life until now.  It’s an interesting decision given that the readers decision to pick up the series is reliant on whether they found the character compelling in the span of 23 pages (and I guess in other series where she’s featured).  That being said, Kate Kane might be too complex a character to be satisfyingly boiled down to a single issue, given that this one moves at a breakneck pace that doesn’t really give the reader time to get invested.  Despite all this, the art is just plain lovely thanks Epting’s grounded pencils and dramatic framing as well as Cox’s neo-noir-influenced color palette.  If I’m honest, there really wasn’t enough in this one-shot to make the proceeding series a must-buy, so in that regard, it fails.  However, it is a beautifully rendered refresher course on Kate Kane.  Whether or not I follow the series proper depends on the day.  

U.S.Avengers #3

Writer: Al Ewing
Artists: Paco Medina w/ Carlo Barberi
Inkers: Juan Vlasco w/ Carlo Barberi
Colorists: Jesus Aburtov w/ Andres Mossa
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna

Trapped in the clutches of the Golden Skull, will the U.S.Avengers be able to make it out alive?  Of course they will; it’s only issue three.  Ewing manages to make this opening story an entertaining but rather brief one.  While it doesn’t seem like there was much set up for the future in this story, given Ewing’s track record, we should probably give him the benefit of the doubt.  If nothing else, the art of this book is gorgeous superhero pop.  Medina and Barberi provide excellent visuals for the story and Aburtov and Mossa’s colors give it enough flair without going overboard.  Sweet, but short, U.S.Avengers sort of needs to pick things up if it’s going to survive the market.  

The Ultimates2 #4

Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Travel Foreman
Color Artist: Dan Brown
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino

The Ultimates are confronted by their watchdogs, the Troubleshooters, as Logos, the Word that is the Act, the unholy union of Chaos, Order, and the Inbetweener, sets its horrible plan into motion.  It is constantly amazing how much Ewing packs into this book without it feeling uneven or rushed.  Ever plot thread is given ample time to develop and shine throughout the story.  Foreman is more than coming to his own on this book as the trippy cosmic stuff might be some of the trippiest.  Ultimates is damn good.

So what did you pick up this week?
Agree or disagree with anything said here?
Let us know in the comments.

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